What kinds of medicines

Drugs, or in the official terminology - drugs, known as substances which are permitted to use for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of diseases, as well as to prevent pregnancy. Medicines can be obtained from plants, minerals, blood, blood plasma, organs, tissues or animals, as well as methods of chemical synthesis or biological technologies.
Depending on the purpose of the application of drugs may have different dosage forms. Dosage form - easy to apply state of the medicinal product, which provides the necessary therapeutic effect. Depending on the physical condition of divided all medicines in liquid form (eg, tinctures, mixtures, solutions), soft (ointments, pastes, candles), solid (eg, pills, powders, capsules) and gas (aerosols).

The drug is ready for application of the drug measured in some form of medication. It is in the form of medicines medicines sold in pharmacies and are used by doctors to treat patients.

Place of manufacture divided drugs into two groups. The first group includes the so-called offitsinalnye medications that are manufactured to pharmaceutical plants, refineries, factories, microbiological, biotechnological and genetic engineering laboratories, etc. Offitsinalnye products make up the bulk of those present are currently on the market of medicinal forms of tablets, pills, solutions in ampoules, powders in vials, etc. The second group consists of so-called main-line drugs, which are made in pharmacies. Currently, the number of pharmacies, which are allowed to manufacture drugs ( «production Pharmacies»), each year is declining - and consequently reduced the proportion of main drugs, which are present, broths, medicine, powders for ingestion, etc.

Medications and drugs can have multiple names. First, like any chemical, the drug has the chemical name in accordance with the rational chemical nomenclature. Chemical name of drug, usually a very difficult and long, so it is used only to specialists in the field of chemical and pharmaceutical synthesis and analysis. In the medical and pharmaceutical practice, the most applicability Two other names of drugs - generic and international trade (trade).

Homeopathic remedies

A separate category of medicines comprise homeopathic means. Homeopathic medicines - it is one-or multicomponent preparations containing, as a rule, mikrodozy active compounds produced by special technology and designed for oral, injection or local application in the form of various dosage forms. Homeopathic remedies should not be used for the treatment of acute and urgent conditions, and in the treatment of chronic diseases and low-they might be an alternative to traditional drug therapy.

Biologically active additives

It is a special category is biologically active additives (BAA). It is important to remember that the biologically active supplements are not drugs and, therefore, not intended for treatment or prevention of any disease. In accordance with the requirements for their registration significantly reduced compared to the registration of medicines. In most cases, biologically active additives have nutritional value and can be considered as food additives. The majority of biologically active additives actually has a biological activity, but unlike drugs, they do not undergo rigorous experimental and clinical studies to determine their positive and negative sides. Therefore, intensive advertising campaigns of biologically active additives underlined their «absolute security», conducted by some unscrupulous manufacturers, totally unfounded. In most cases, an assessment of the safety of these additives are not carried out, and therefore should be treated with great caution to the biologically active additives with multi-or unspecified (unknown?) Composition.

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Treatment of impotence of Egypt. Photo

Different people have different ways of folk medicine: if there is grass, then treated with herbs, and if by hand only the sand - the sand cure. In Egypt, near the oasis Ziba (752 km west of Cairo), people bury in the sand from the mountains Dakrur to get rid of rheumatism, pain and sexual disorders.

35-year-old Abu Al Kassem Alosh decided to get treatment.

The man buried in the sand at 50-degree heat.

After the people and digs, so as not to lose precious heat, wrap in blankets.

In the middle of the desert tents people after sand continued healing hot tea.

Judging by the number of tents, medicine in the Libyan desert area is thriving.

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Increased potency or as a treat impotence

At the dawn of the 60's concluded that 90 percent of impotent men who are experiencing emotional difficulties. Elderly doctor practicing general practitioners (family doctors) are usually prescribed to patients with problems of this kind of injection of testosterone, which, apparently, was quite useless. The new generation of young and well, as if it was considered trained therapists look at the practice as something "shamanism" and send their patients for physiotherapy, which also had no success.

But since the mid 70's, doctors began to detect a purely physical causes impotence or erectile dysfunction, but in the last 10 years with the trouble started slowly to cope. Now specialists andrology convinced that in most cases, the potency disorders are purely organic (ie non-psychological) causes. Some of these patients come to the attention of the family doctors, but most of the rest fall into the hands of specialists and urologists andrologists.

Should determine that all methods for the treatment of impotence or improve potency divided into conservative - invasive and non-invasive and rapid.

By conservative techniques improve potency is primarily oral medical therapy, the use of vacuum devices and konstriktornyh intrakavernoznye injection.Drug therapy impotence (erectile dysfunction)

Most recently, the main drug used to enhance the treatment potency was Yohimbin. However, the effectiveness of its use does not exceed 10%. When the need for a relatively long application of funds (up to a year) and its low efficiency, together with a large number of adverse reactions, make this method of treating impotency malopriemlemym.

Nowadays, to improve potency or to combat impotence, as such, quite successfully used the product «Viagra» or art analog prolonged action - Sialis, called "pill for the weekend (see related article on the site). The effectiveness of drugs is beyond dispute, and reaches 70-80%, but they are possible side effects, such as a sudden reddening of the face and neck, a slight headache, congestion nasal cavity, the change tsvetooschuscheniya and visual acuity. Hence, in any case to determine the indications for the use of a drug should be a specialist - urologist or andrologist.
Vacuum-konstriktornaya therapy erektilnoy dysfunction (impotence)

The method is to create a negative pressure in the cavernous bodies of the penis with the help of the vacuum cylinder and pump, which leads to the inflow of blood and erection retained through the overlay at the base of the penis special compressed ring that restricts venous outflow. As a result, it is possible to perform sexual intercourse, up to 30 minutes.

The effectiveness of this method to 40-50 per cent. Its disadvantages are the indisputable practical use of the device in front of partner (which is not very эстетично), a painful ejaculation (semyaizverzhenie), as a result of the compressed ring, as well as the occurrence of hemorrhages in the penis, a sense of numbness in the penis etc.
Intrakavernoznye injection of vasoactive drugs

In order to improve the potency and the development of a full erection microinjections vasoactive drugs are carried out directly in the penis before coitus. This method of direct introduction of vasoactive drugs in the male member was the most common and most effective among conservative treatment methods erectile dysfunction (impotence). For the treatment of prostaglandin used as a monotherapy or in various combinations.

The combination of the same drugs used to reduce the side effects of each of them, due to decreased concentration, and potentiation (synergies), the pharmacological effect. Program integrated approach specialist urologist or andrologist to the appointment of the method of increasing the potency allows the use of this method is effective and safe.

Intrauretralnaya therapy impotence

For intrauretralnyh (directly in the male urethra) applications use different drugs, such as alprostadil. Because the urethra drug absorbed and the blood enters the cavernous body of the penis, where the reactions occur, resulting in erection. This technique, compared with the previous one, avoids the need for injections in the penis.

Because of the high cost of drugs and adverse reactions (burning feeling in the urethra), and the need for mandatory use of condoms, - it is now a means of improving the potency has not received wide distribution.

Surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction

It is true that surgical intervention in the latter being used less and less because of the relatively high effectiveness of pharmacological treatment of disorders of potency. Only when conservative treatment does not give the desired results, with some evidence - in the extreme case, the surgical methods.

Operation with venous insufficiency of the penis is performed in case of defeat venozapiratelnogo mechanism genitals. Despite the long use of the technique, its effectiveness does not exceed 50%. But even with such low results of venous surgery of the penis is used in clinical practice, especially as additional to other previously described methods, allowing a result to achieve high rates of cure.

In case of insufficient arterial inflow of blood to the cavernous tissue of penis shows surgical treatment of arterial insufficiency of the penis. Used microvascular arterial bypass, the effectiveness of which varies from 30 to 50 percent. This operation is highly effective only in young patients.

Prosthetic penis is currently the main method of recovery of its rigidity (stiffness). Implantation of prosthetic devices is the final phase of therapy impotency, when all previous methods of treatment have been exhausted and did not give the expected result.
Psychotherapeutic techniques improve potency
In the matter of increasing the potency or the treatment of erectile rasstoystv an essential part of medical research councils sounded in unison to some heads of well-known since ancient «Kama-sutras». The primary role of the so-called "three-technique" focus of sensuality. This method is recommended during coitus a lot more attention paid to the satisfaction of their partner.

In the beginning (first stage) is a pleasure to partner with each other without direct contact with the genitals. Then (in the second stage) who love each other relating to the genitals and erogenous zones, but have not yet come into sexual intercourse. It was only the third finals taking place sexual intercourse, sexual partners, bringing the true pleasure of closeness.

Some experts claim that nearly 65% of cases for the treatment of disorders of potency is sufficient to visit the psychotherapist. After all, no secret that it is often a random failure in bed leaves a deep trace in the psyche vulnerable men, and as a consequence, the uncertainty comes in its own «masculine force».

Main believe in yourself and you all will no doubt succeed!

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Depression - a direct path to impotence!

Many studies show that one in four men with depression, has problems with potency, manifested in a permanent or recurrent inability to maintain erection of the penis sufficient for sexual intercourse. This problem is widespread, about 152 million men have problems such as experts predict, the number of them grows with each passing year.
The cause of the problems with potency can serve as different physiological breach. These causes can be divided into five groups.The first group of - psychological distress, fear, stress and depression.

The second group - disorder of endocrine system in violation of the hormonal functions. This could be obesity or diabetes.

The third group - the cardiovascular system disorders. This disorder can be atherosclerosis caused by diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure.

The fourth group - the organic changes of the penis because of the carry-over of inflammation or injury.

The fifth group - the nature of neurological disorders: a violation of circulation in the brain.

There are two types of erectile dysfunction treatment: medication and surgery.

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Impotence - what's this?

The causes of impotence

Under the sexual potency refers to the ability of men to carry out sexual intercourse, therefore, impotence - the inability of men to carry out sexual intercourse. Impotence can also be defined as the inability of excitation.

Impotent or disturbed potency is considered to be a man if he:

1) does not feel sexual attraction;

2) does not reach as a result of attraction of erection;

3) no ejaculation (other than those. Cases where a man is able to control ejaculation);

4) did not have orgasm. About impotence generally should speak only when full and sustained failure of men to coition, and all the other cases more properly assigned to the functional disorders.

Before you treat impotence, it is desirable to find out what causes it is due. Perhaps the discovered causes and its neutralization may be more than sufficient to get rid of impotence. It has two main reasons:

1. Physical impotence.

2. Psychological impotence, which is sometimes referred to as nonspecific.

There are four basic organic irregularities that can lead to physical impotence:

1. Diabetes and its latent form.

2. Violation of blood, leading to a decrease of excitation: seal the aorta, hypertension, heart disease.

3. Diseases of the nervous system, prevents the flow of signals on the excitation of the brain or nerves of vertebrates. This is a neurological disease.

4. Low levels of testosterone, blocking sexual interest. Hormonal disorders - one of the rare causes of physical impotence.

Psychological impotence associated with stress factors (sometimes at an unconscious level), in violation of erection. Psychological impotence is usually caused by fear, stress, dissatisfaction and a life as a result of stress, troubles at work, difficulties in the family.

Some men with impotence erection is still there, but it is very short, ie, there is, but not for long. In this case, the difference may seem insignificant, but with a psychological point of view is essential. A man claiming to be impotent, is in a state of nervous tension and anxiety. If he looks at this problem in another way, and decides that it is difficult to retain erection, it can return the mental equilibrium.

Also one of the causes of impotence can be a difficult life decision, the congestion problems in the long term. In this case the treatment of impotence is to restore the normal rhythm of life or change in lifestyle that was not fraught with such overload, or long vacations.

The causes of the decline in male potency, is to focus on the sexual act without taking into account the conditions and the strong mental association. Even more harm is caused by man over-fixation of attention on the functioning of their genitals (such as emotions about the small size of their bodies).

Quite often, sexual function was deteriorating as a result of prolonged sexual abstinence (especially contraindicated long breaks in the sexual life of men over 40 years). Usually, after the restoration of a normal sexual life comes to normal.

The cause of impotence may be a violation of a certain stereotype of sexual activity that has for some time. There were cases when a man who does not have any complications with his wife, was untenable when you try to perform sexual act with another woman. Even with a constant partner might like, if the sex occurs in an unusual environment or situation.

In this context, to exclude an element of psychological habit, it is recommended from time to time to modify the environment within which the lessons of love, as well as the attendant for details.

One of the causes of impotence - smoking. According to studies tobacco abuse (more than 20 cigarettes per day) in 11 percent of men leads to a functional sexual disorders. At the same time, non-smoking potency in most cases, fully restored. Those who can not stop smoking, you need to remember that abstinence from smoking for 3-4 hours prior to the proximity further improves erection. As the results of a study conducted by the British Medical Association, most men and no idea about the possible existence of such a link. At the same time, to 120 thousand Britons aged 30 to 40 years became impotent is the fault of harmful addiction to tobacco.

Wrong those who think that alcohol increases the potency. This can happen only in the initial period of alcohol consumption. But, first, the signs of increasing potency transient, and secondly, in the future, they will inevitably give way to decrease sexual interest, erection, and the weakening of serious sexual disorders.

For men, diabetes mellitus, impotence is a relatively common complication and may occur at a younger age than in healthy people. At the age of 30-40 years old impotence developed in 25% of men with diabetes, aged 50-60 years old - at 53%, aged 60-65 years at 75%.

One of the common causes of impotence - obesity. It is noted that when a man gets rid of extra weight - it grows and potency.

Positively affect the potency sports, but only if they are not excessive. Regular physical activity prevents the development of impotence. If you exercise too hard and the body can not manage to recover, it could decrease sexual function. Effect of load on the potency attributed to the improvement of blood circulation of the reproductive organs. Not only recommend cycling classes, which may increase the risk of impotence.

Tools to overcome impotency different. In our opinion, the best, if you are using multiple methods. But this is not always possible, and in some cases not all fit. Therefore, choose for yourself try to find that the most suitable for you, and eventually you will succeed.

Suggested questions below will help determine the nature of Erectile Dysfunction: physical or mental.

- The sudden manifestation: whether the problem started suddenly?

- Selectivity: whether a violation of erection only with a single partner?

- Frequency: Are you experiencing difficulty with erection only from time to time?

- Masturbation: unchanged whether the degree of hardness of the penis and maintain the time of erection?

- Experience: Is there pain in the testicles?

- Experience: Does the problem disappear when a new partner?

- Erotic dreams: there is erection during sleep?

Two or more affirmative answers may indicate a mental impotence resulting from stress. However, this does not exclude the possibility of somatic illness or depression.

An important factor is age. In 40 years, the causes of impotence by 80% mental and only 20% - natural. For 80 years the picture changes: 80% are cases of physical impotence and only 20% - mental. All men should know that regardless of the cause of impotence can be cured in 95% of cases.

It is necessary to refer to a specialist because impotence, regardless of the reasons causing it seriously damages lives. Refer to an oncologist specializing in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.

Treatment methods depend on the causes of impotence and its causes. If impotence is linked to psychological causes, psychological counseling is needed, it is better when both partners are involved. Impotence can be eliminated if the patient realizes that it is not connected with the defeat of the nerves and blood vessels. Treatment of impotence related to hormonal disorders, occurs through the prescribing drugs.

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History condom.

In the National museum an unusual exhibit is proposed in Cairo - a leather contraceptive is a propert of pharaoh Tutankhamen. Bovine bubbles, blind sheep gut also used to that end. Ancient Romans used contraceptives from resin, treated the special composition which created a compression on-the-spot, that resin did not stick to the masculine and womanish bodies.
Necessity to use a contraceptive not only as a mean of contraception, and as protecting from venereal illnesses came to a head in Europe already in XV age. The point is that in 1493 Kolumb with the crew brought not only gold and valuables but also enigmatic illness which was here christened the "gift of New Light" - sifilis. His higglers were become by sea-folk and soldiers. Sifilis very quickly spread on all Europe and India to China.

In 1564, when practically all grown man population of Italy suffered from to "sweep the aborigines of New Light", a prominent doctor and anatomist Gabrial Fallopiy suggested to use a linen sac saturated with medicines and inorganic salts for a protection from this illness.
A word "kondom" happened from the last name of English doctor Kondoma, court doctor of English king Charles II (1630-I685). King ordered the doctor to think of anything for protecting from sifilisa. A doctor suggested to use the dispersers smeared butter from sheep bowels. An invention of doctor was to the court, and soon all aristocracy used these facilities of contraception and protecting from love ailments.True, they were used to on once or twice, therefore diseases continued to spread. But extramarital children began to give birth less than.
The mass production of contraceptives was begun with 20th ХХ centuries. A boom in his use began from middle of 80th and proceeds till today.
For a small term good suffered mass of changes. Length of modern contraceptive in the rolled state arrives at 18 see Firms-producers looked after and about greasing. For women, being afraid in bad time to become pregnant, produce models with additional defence - treated spermicidnym coverage.
Contraceptives are produced in various execution: aromatized, varicoloured, pupyrchatye or relief, with greasing or without, from sheep bowels, lateksa, poliuretana. Good contraceptives have shelf-life to five years. As well as other anticoncipienss, contraceptives do not give 100% defence, although at correct application their efficiency is high enough.

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Men's purse.

In our time, men's purse is, in fact, an essential attribute of nearly every man. Gone are the days when the purse is a sign of financial sustainability, as well as perfectly emphasized status and a good style of its owner.

Today, expensive leather purses, purses from famous manufacturers and fashion - it is quite normal. Let us, to investigate the beginning of what is really the male purse. So, the purse - a small hollow or flat of (initially saccate), often made of leather or fabric, designed for carrying money.

As you can see, today, this definition is well suited to its purpose, except that, increasingly, the real money being replaced by all kinds of credit cards, visas, all of which are denser part of our lives.

Men's purses have become so popular and indispensable, and perhaps the most eminent and fashion designers and fashion designers necessarily have in its collection of huge quantity of a variety of wallets and purses.

Among the most famous manufacturers of men's purses in the world can be TOMMY HILFIGER, MEXX, DIESEL, Ferre, MULSANNE DUNHILL, Dalvey, Elisir, Toni Perotti, Philip Laurence, Montblanc, Petek, Vasheron and many others. Of course, legislators design men's and women's purses in the world are Italian manufacturers.

What is not only in modern purse. There are also many branches for the credit and discount cards, and mesh compartment for documents and office paper for banknotes, coins, and offices for the button. Also not unusual purses with hidden compartments.

But this is not all alike, for example, the company practice of TOMMY HILFIGER men's purse with a special pocket with papers to write and pilochkoy for nails, as well as with the department to handle. As they say, for all occasions.

The material for the creation of men's purses, that this can write a full post. I have only identified the most common. So, among the main issues are the following: a simple kozhezamenitel, calf and pigskin, frequently male and female like a snake skin.

But the most fashionable male purses made of leather and marine slope alligator skin. Also frequently purses, which are very well combined with the jewelry. For example, the upright man's purse Elisir (Collection "Meridian") is made of genuine leather with a black crystal Swarovski.

In addition, today, when the fashionable vintage style is not rare to see the original male and female like a thick vintage leather with contrasting finishing line.

According to stylists, men's purse is obliged to clear in harmony with all the leather parts of your wardrobe. It is believed that the most practical - it is good to pick up the wallet to the portfolio. If you're a business person, it is worth to remember that your purse should not be too loaded of different fittings, but rather on the contrary, what is thinner, the better. No wonder it is considered that the male purse - this is a unique pocket bank, which is useful in any case, life.

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The French love.

They say if the two loved each other, they are allowed. They have a chance to experience different sides of physical proximity. But oral sex - is one of the most intimate caress.

Love in French

Even since the ancient Greeks were known to mankind oral caresses that are now referred to as "love in French." Ritual of stirring up passions trained priests and priestesses Khramov bodily beauty. Popular caress those used in the families of noblemen. In search of reciprocity, that kissing the genitals more gentle than the hand of affection. In ancient texts, you can find a description and illustration of French love. But such affection is not encouraged, so in time forgotten. It is connected with the fact that in different epochs of humanity related to the body and sex differently.

Nowadays, many couples are well aware that the lips and tongue are extraordinary tools that have the luxury of sensual pleasures. Lasko male organs are called fellatsio sexuality, and intimate places women - cunnilingus.

Sexy "delicacy"

Natasha married for 10 years. She never has oral sex, while her husband asked her about it repeatedly. But the woman thought it a shame. Now Natasha began to wonder - was whether the rights that the husband hesitated: "I love it. I think if the husband will offer once again, I will not refuse."

Despite the fact that, in the opinion of most men, the love in French - high sexual technique, many women from such affection refuse. They believe that kissing each other in intimate places immoral, that the sex could not transgress certain boundaries, so can not relax. However, they do not ask themselves the question: why am I ashamed of her husband's favorite? They also fear that the taste and smell of their intimate partner sites will be unpleasant. But it has long been known that the natural smell of women (if it is healthy and going) excites men.

Igor loves his wife, but when they invited her to engage in oral sex, and so scared that the husband about it more and not zagovarivaet. And sometimes, according to Igor, he was jealous of couples in which the affection is allowed.

In addition, the doctors argue that squeamishness and fear about the uncleanness of the reproductive organs, which disturbed some people - prejudice, deprived of medical reasons. In the oral cavity is far more germs than in intimate places a healthy person.

Another such affection that pleasure could be considered sexual "delicacies," sexuality does not know. Only kisses genitals can bring a partner to orgasm a degree! And if a woman caresses her husband and did not hesitate this, then subsequently begins to feel very pleased. And it is not necessarily fellatsio and cunnilingus each time turned into a sexual act. Such "games" could be for a couple of tentative affection that will make the meeting more intimate variety, and temperamental.

After a year of marriage Ludmila with her husband became engaged in oral sex. And as often as they wish. The woman did not consider it obscene. In her opinion, the improper change partner. "I think that my husband will not look for love on the side because of sex, I have tried to bring him pleasure. But I can ask of the wife all that want. And if something is wrong, he always tells" .

In the intimate proximity, you can always ask for a partner in tactful way that he likes and what is not, and tell what you feel for yourself. Some women are afraid that they will fail to bring pleasure to her husband, and their enthusiasm has already lost one of this idea. You do not need to be afraid of their ignorance. "Listen" to your body's favorite, find the key to his satisfaction and pleasure, or ask them. You can always learn. Just more experiment and watch the reaction partner. The remarkable moments that you grant to her husband, gives birth to its natural desire to make a retaliatory move. Sometimes the woman is very hesitate very idea that a spouse will be lip "indecent" place. But do not forget: the man is always a pleasure to deliver the joy of the beloved, he flatters her trust, openness, the complete destruction of the psychological barriers between you.

Being sexually sophisticated with your favorite person - an achievement by women. A man is still more factories, and he is ready to be a favorite on their hands. In such pairs prevail affection, tenderness and understanding.


How etichen oral sex? All defined stereotypes. More recently, when such intimate relations prohibits, sometimes even broken marriages. This occurs when one spouse (typically male) imposed oral contact, and another was unable to transcend their beliefs. But when nedoskazannost, the intransigence to the views and tastes of the partner, the Union will still fall apart.

Jelena in pink from her husband - his figures, smell, touch. All three years of marriage, she felt this woman, but it has a negative sexual experience in marriage: "Once, in the sensual impulse, I spontaneously start caress the most intimate places of her husband, although this has not previously done.'s Spouse did not say anything but the next day was very cold with me. And then reproached me, saying, where I learned this and that he did not know what I debauchery. Now, I settled into a sense of guilt before my husband ... "

Although the majority of men willing to love the French, 30% of them belong to the weasel ambiguous. Some are associated with extramarital sexual relations, which removed all restrictions. And suddenly this vytvoryaet own wife!

There is a category of men, which oral sex was surprised, and they begin to think that a woman is too impassioned and razvraschena. They appear suspicious and complex that they could never meet such a partner.

The position is also important

Evening of French kisses better to start with the co-bathing. It configures the correct manner and removes the last doubts about the uncleanness of body partner. A man should carefully shave the person to love for a woman was not painful.

Turned posture (so-called "69"), it is not convenient for the French love. Sexology is not welcome, because if it is difficult both to give affection and to feel pleasure. In order to experience the pleasure oral sex, the partners must fondle each other alternately. A woman can lie on your back and the man - to kiss her thighs and raised above. Well, if it does so gradually, without abrupt changes of power kisses.

When roles change, the man lies on his back or face. It is advisable to try several positions to find one that is like your pair.

The French love should not be the only part of love play. In marriages with solid experience, it can initiate and help partner with weak potency. Often, the love in French is a pre-weasel. Sexology advise women who are not often orgasm, use this form of intimate relationship.


Ukrainians do not deny the French love: 70% of couples at least once engaged in oral sex. 40% of the men confirmed that caress their wives in this way on average once a week.

Women in our more conservative: 40% denied any oral sex, 20% of married ladies engaged in oral sex, but not more than four times a month.

In general, we are left behind from the Greeks. In fact, one in ten Greeks (as well as Greek) is engaged in oral sex daily! And the French, and say nothing: a way to weasel almost every day, using 50% of couples! And 60% of French do fellatsio her lover more frequently than once a week.

It is important

- You can not engage in oral sex, if someone of sexual partners has been found infected.

- Love in French does not exclude the likelihood of contracting AIDS.

The benefits of sperm to the body of women.

As we know, sperm is composed of some proteins. Its taste and composition depend entirely on the fact that the man eats. Harm, it is not, but evidence of its benefits, too far. However, as cosmetic for skin, it has no equal!

By the way

- Try the French love often pushes erotic videos.

- According to sexologists, in families where they practiced the French love, women and men are not likely to change.

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What a pain, ETERNAL SOLDIER Flirt?

The boy is growing along with his penis, with him and the old. Yes only all the men sing ridiculous, indeed, touching human delusion - a habit of his own youth. On the one hand - this is like a gift, and we all tend to think - we will not be affected. One friend admitted: my old age so rapidly that even a pleasure to watch. Sam, apparently, has long lost the mirror - do not resist the acrimony.

When a couple of suggestions, immediately sensed the possible reaction of future audiences.

- Leave that nonsense again about the potency, prostatitis, all the boring men's fears! Completeness! Everything OK! We are not concerned about the quality of their erection - to be the number per unit of time!
Strangely - each has its own life with its dreams and doubts, observations and frustration, joy and fear, expectation and anticipation, commitment and insight, memories and desires. Only at the clinic in the offices Sexologists, andrologist, proctologist, a psychologist, urologist like blurred lush colors of life and all of it it is like.

Here are some stories from the clinic records, dealing with prevention and treatment of male health. «Stranger experience as the husband, formerly in use»,-said my grandmother. First, like vyshvyrnut, but then, money and perhaps not a sin, and take advantage of.

In no particular subtlety congested men there is a myth that the iron-hard penis is enough to make happy a woman.

Perhaps, as a well-mounted bychyu potency pornoaktera, 26-year-old patient to overdo, abused food additives yes gym.

My practice has confirmed - said sexual - that are still among men - almost a full ill-defined neuhozhennost. Even in the psevdoelitarnoy layer of people who have money. Yes, has an elegant hairstyle, improved prikid, teeth, finally, are in order. This - the best option, but the physical form, and sometimes hygiene left much to be desired.

In a man always prevails hedonism, that is, the desire for quick satisfaction. That's my client, wishing to quickly improve the mechanical component of sex itself prescribed some stimulating food additives with vaguely described dosages, and reinforced the very intensive training in the gym, again without consulting the coach. Who remembers such a trifle - it is better not to do nothing than to do wrong. Naturally, the market is producing similar products, is interested in trusting customers. This business is much stronger than in pharmacology, dominance producers have already calculated excess. Jars with the addition of many promises, but the guy won: Allergies, hypertonic crisis, and typically decline in potency. So he was at a reception

37-year-old Max is very glossy, muffled in the wonderful perfume, is clearly not burdened educational process, because the long-divorced, was a matter dumbfound «crumbs».

- I - 16, I -17. Can I finish his woman? - A child of the Internet quite easily, braviruya its neglect of cultural and absolute relaxedness so pripechatalo his father - the eternal boy, he went to the doctor with him together.

Note - where a five per cent of people evaluate themselves more or less adequately. Meanwhile, the problems, for example, people in middle age (30-55 years), weight. And nevrogenny nature of existence, often lack the emotional component in the relationship and, as a result, neurotic problems in private life ...

Strange - have come together, but help is needed father. Guy if you prefer, you can pull something has to explain, if you want to understand, but a glossy dad for some reason, indented. Apparently, he first felt his age. However, the age of men is not determined by sperm mobility, his son, however, it all matched.

My 37-year vis-à-vis apparently could not complain to tarnish the emotional component of sex. Self-confident, fit perfectly into life, he had to his age to grow as a stable sexual mass uydya time of the aggressive sexuality, just enjoy life. By the way, recently met a young woman, with which were all significant. Inexplicable failures rattled stronger than he expected. The more we talked, it became clearer the picture - people used to be healthy and perfect, panic afraid of tests, it is pre-tune to a global disaster.

With comprehensive survey revealed? Special diseases or infirmity, he, fortunately, is not revealed - only two of infection. Assigned to drug treatment and psychological adjustment. Why, in principle, a healthy man in need of psychological prosthetics? Just a better look fear straight in the eye, as soon as possible. Usually, it's the first and give opinion - because life goes on and the first hint of a crisis in middle age can be easily by using the required consultations reset. Moreover, it has become visible to understand that влюбился. If life was a hunter, with only a compass became lust, and fuel - orgasm, but now it is eager to be loved: that is why so worried. Is it true that only love opening presents, and gave ... Wishes?

On advice from a psychologist as the conversation itself went easily.

- People are paired, dualizirovannyh visible for mile. Restore the balance of power, the stock of health can only be having a sum of knowledge, the disease must be balanced not only treatment but also health. If you can open a contrast, you can orient the person a long time. Sometimes intimate talk helps to overcome their own problems, rather than boil them. We would often hear: «My style - health», and it is possible to find inner balance, so to speak, erogenous zone of the soul.

No matter how suddenly it sounds, but after 30 start age-related changes, and after 40, many of them are irreversible. The truth is always handy advice - do not think that stareesh, it is very old. Nevertheless, after 30 it is desirable to introduce a program antistareniya - said the global scientific community.

We are entering an era in particular - have already described the human genome. Of course, there's a lot of white spots, but the room, as they say, is already covered in full, is to highlight only the corners. Already, powerful sound programs for rejuvenation, antistareniya, extending the life of the active site. There are a number of programs antistareniya. In the United States dominates the concept of hormone. Emphasis is placed on the control of hormones: growth, adrenal, thyroid and pineal glands, sex. The balance of trying to build, and the introduction of artificial hormones. One can not but agree with some of the political retreat: the era of corporate capitalism with its inherent mass production and mass consumption of whole-food, food culture ... involves the stimulation of demand. This is a central condition for business. It would clearly understood: We sometimes offer to pay, then think.

Nevertheless, growth hormone, correcting the level of aging, almost constantly, hundreds of thousands of Americans and Europeans. This is despite the fact that science is not yet fully know the long-term projections. There are immune line, where a special place is occupied by the use of stem cells. Today it is booming. Another would be - incorporated into a cell can intervene at all levels. The method is universal, even in subtle intimate processes are still white spots. Strikes, such as the development of Kyiv scientists to propose a special method of application of stem cells, completely changing the human immune system. A simple illustration - even after such a treatment-set your body becomes immune system because of the changes. The old memory is erased completely. What is already talking about using stem cells for rejuvenation. «This space, - argue the doctrine - is huge!».

Very gently mature man should be treated to the advertising of soybean products, beer. Some components may be included, roughly speaking, to provoke the effect of cut off the testicles. To hunt, say, 60 years old, still in good age to become a particular grade or mobile garbage pit.

In the mass consciousness prevail phantoms, for which the hypertrophied sexuality as a test of solvency. Industry excitation succeeded to such an extent that forced the average man and like to forget: a place of sex in his life greatly exaggerated. Yes - significantly, tasty, brings pleasure, but not too many took their seats. For many, this kaif - just 10 minutes a day. Yes, and it is not every day. Obsessive coven bed comfort breaks on all keys, the lens of advertising a nation laid down between the legs.

In our country, not porn, but the money to do it. What? Talking about sex, for sex products, sex instead of after sex after safe sex, after unsafe sex. Erotizatsiya society has become a love prelude - sweeter than sex itself. Through film, Internet, newspapers, even the low-alcohol beverages ...

Flawed? Levels high register? The main thing is to have bought more. We are becoming less like a shy, say love, it seems does not exist. Men are afraid of failure, failure. But is not afraid to live life without love. One of the recent old bachelor in his 40 years, concluded: «Love - and my recent purchase of the most delicate. I realized what a tremendous work done man, to bring together sex and sense. This years work, and who are lucky, comes the benefit of - love. It turns out that this fine work unconsciously went to the marriage, even more active in the union. Life in the family - this is constant work to generate love. During the rest of your life. The work of two. From love you can not get short-term pleasure - it must earn ».

On the «Forum» (Internet Club Clinic «Men's Health») a lot of questions. There are all sorts, but even the ridiculous requests for assistance are recorded around the clock. By analyzing e-mail, doctors concluded, the absence of children's doctors - andrologists often leads to adult drama. For example, small testes, small penis. «I am 23 years old, and 8 cm penis What do I do?». No parents had not explained where it was necessary to begin to sound the alarm. Typically, this is the lack of hormones. In adolescence, when hormonal explosion effect, usually occurs. In 23 of the same hormones picture is not correct. Yet today, although the time lost, a new hope: a special apparatus for lengthening a member. The treatment is tedious, because the structure must be six months to 6 hours per day. But the member actually stretched. All the same sex - an occupation for two, and preferably to one of the partners had a normal male body.

Man you need to constantly educate, at least someone and I am sure: the more I was surprised. Always a lot of talking - how to initiate, much less - how to educate. Many adults and successful men, and often up to 36 years did not get rid of more of the Stalinist era imposed views - masturbation damages, and all the adults of the same misfortune. Recently, «Forum» read: «It is true that masturbation grow hair and people blind?». Earlier this intimidated because qualitatively, that even today mental handcuffs really harm the new generation.

If the fear of falling ill and AIDS must be maintained because it is real, then masturbation, .. It is difficult to argue that: bite nails is dangerous, it is possible to nip the hand on the elbow. Harmful habit, and more.

Now we come to understand the need to have each of their physicians, yet can be shaped to the circle of specialists. But we must clearly understand what criteria to evaluate a doctor. When he said - and I will help you and no one more likely, it pozavcherashny day. Please, show license documents explain how we work, whether these methods are the European Community, as long they are used as references ... The level of the doctor did not grow in an instant, go to the specialists who daily samousovershenstvuyutsya. People are held to meet a doctor, and he - he. So, together they form a European clinic mentality relationship.

Yet, male Health - is the least of the level of medicine. Like any other, it is raised in a family, culture, food and body, well-built relationships with its pair, it is striving for balance and continuous self-improvement. Only proctologist on duty are allowed to work through ... soft place. Only him. By the way, about proctology. Nearly every day we come to the office of victims of hemorrhoids. Revenge of the disease refers to the intimate aspects of life. Recently released from the surgical room soothed the patient - it is easily removed using cryotherapy hemorrhoids. Descending importance that guy saved from a very unpleasant disease, clarify - and he was released from the complexes. Last time he was not close, could unleash - all afraid that during the act of love you receive blood or pain. The false fear? No - it is suffering. All of this seriously, and every day.

Asked Sexologists: «You will not be fed every day as if everything inside of the same complaints of other people's erogenous zones, small and large penis, frigidity and superaktivnosti sometimes primitivity complaints? Do you want to, rather, can interfere in the natural course of events? Do not see the apathy and mental fatigue? ».

- I am not flying the soft and semi-male membership, I'm flying right. Often I hear from a patient: I need such a fashion product, such a procedure.

I try to advise:

- You do not know what you need. Maybe, just lighted candles and quiet music. Erogenous zones respond to tenderness of soul, not only on the medication.

Life is very serious - unpalatable. The ease of being, if not of levity, but of wisdom, gives these juicy, fully fledged, I would say, hormonally rich undertone ...

However, comprehended this wisdom rarely go to doctors. Since I have such friendly, mutually enriching energy.

And more. Eternal flirt good even so. that he will not be around forever. However, it is the private view on the subject of conversation ...

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11 secrets of men.

I was at 9 in the class, when learned a valuable lesson about love. My girlfriend Amy was very attractive, very intelligent and equipped with seemingly innumerable benefits of emphasizing its shape from the angora sweaters. And I? Simply said, I was a teenager, clearly understand how I was lucky.

And then one fine day when we stood in line at the cinema, we went past Simon Shaw, the Queen of the ball. Suddenly Amy turned to me and asked. «Did you see her? Do you think it is beautiful? »I pomutnelo in the eyes. Of course, I looked at her! Of course, it was beautiful! It is Simon Shaw! At the moment, I thought, then decided to be honest.

«Well, yes,» - I squeezed.

After five days, our gap progremel the entire school.

Each time a man comes to life when he realizes that sometimes you need to conceal themselves present. He begins to think of sweet lie: «No, dear, you are simply an excellent driver», «No, dear, I have not looked at the student, that soap car», «No, dear, I play golf only for the sake of exercise».

This is not entirely false. We just simplify things a bit .... But Glenn Good, Ph.D., Consultant Relations, does not agree with this, but can there he is right. «This white lie - naïve, but it may be raised doubts. Many women think that if a man lies about himself, he can lie about anything? Maybe he has another woman? Thus, in order to establish trust, we must speak the truth about the harmless things. »

The secret number 1: Yes, we like other women, but that does not mean that we want to quit you. "

The oldest asked question «What's for dinner?» And two «You're looking at it?» Answer: «Yes, yes, we looked at it!». Even if you are absolutely sure that your young man looking at a beautiful woman, it just means that he has developed excellent peripheral vision.

«Even if I am with his girlfriend, a beautiful woman passes by, I can not not pay attention to it,» - said Doug LaFlamm, 28 years old, of Laguna Hills, California. «I deal with them not to watch, but I just have to see. I just can not walk past a woman with a deep décolleté. »

We, men, well aware that you might not like it. But these views do not threaten anything. «I do not even want to get acquainted with it,» - said LaFlamm. «It's like radar, monitors traffic and can not turn back.»
The secret number 2: We play golf to relax a bit from you.

Too many men play golf, or engaged in other sports. But it is not in the sport. A case of you, family, children - your absence from the sport.

«I play golf, not only because it relaxes and helps to relax,» - said Roland Bakingham, 32, was Lewis, State of Delaware, whose record of 105 - far from a good result. «In fact, sometimes on the fourth hole, I want to go home to his wife and screaming children. But sometimes I'm on the golf, bowling, no matter where, just that they do not see ».
The Secret number 3: To make the proposal requires a great deal of courage, even if it has already been done.

This is so confusing. We love you madly. We believe you simply fantastic. Quite a lot, we think, and if we gave the oath to be loyal to the end of his life before his family, friends and an expensive photographer.

Yet most of us do not spend time on this thought: «O my God, I can not live without it. I want to live with the most beautiful girl in the world, but is old. »Muchit Instead, we thought about how many women, like Britney Spears, we might be. But mostly, these thoughts are going through a few years (or decades).
The Secret number 4: Making Money - it is very important to us.

In most families now earn more than wives their husbands, and this figure is two times higher than in 1981. This is because of the extraordinary conditions of development for women and men a warm location, right? Yes?

Well, this is what we tell you. But we are limited, competing egomanyaki. I do not think we can safely respond to the fact that you earn more.

«We are together with his wife worked as a reporter at one newspaper,» - says Jeffrey Newton, 33, was Feyetvill, South Carolina. «Five years of our marriage, I still check how much it earns, to make sure I earn more. But because of her diligence, the difference is increasingly shrinking. »
The Secret number 5: Though we often protest, we really like to tinker, all in the house.

«The reason why we do not talk about it,» - said Ed Pauers, - «is that most women do not make the difference between junk and a broken things, and they believe that we need to fix everything in a week, but preferably when is football. We would like to work with your hands, to keep repairing the house, and not done monotonous, without imagination, a purely physical act. »That's the whole secret.
The Secret number 6: We like it when you show maternal feelings, but we do not like it when it becomes just like its mother.

To my mother-in-law is not the case.
The secret of number 7: Every year we love you more.

Of course, we look like as adults. We have a few suits. We can order a glass of wine, not hihikaya. And while we like our father, when he was in the same age, but we still feel like 4-year-old boy, grabs for his leg.

Every year, we feel that the only hero in the beginning you 40, 50 and even 60 years. This can not be explained, because the explanation will appear as if now we do not love you.

«I took a year that I really began to appreciate his wife, not only for the wonderful sex, and her brilliant mind, I discovered only after three years of living together,» - said Newton. «The older and wiser I become, the more I love my wife.» Dzh.P.Nil, 32, g.Potomak, Maryland, adds: «The wealth or poverty, good or bad side of marriage can not shoot you with this ways. »
The secret of number 8: We really do not understand what you are saying.

During the day you think about different aspects of our relationship? And when returning home, you want them «discussion»? And during such «discussion» Your man sits in front of you, nods his head and said something like: «Of course, I understand», «It is really makes sense», «On another occasion, I will do it better»?

In fact, we do not understand. But we try to do better next time, only if we have even the slightest representation, what are you talking about.

We are not all equal.
The secret number 9: It is scary when you sadishsya behind the wheel.

Want to see a fearless man prills of nerves and fear? Ask him the keys to the car. «I'm scared to death when they sit behind the wheel,» - said LaFlamm. «Every time I'm going with it, I am fully confident that die in the next moment».

«From my wife happens, at least one« Automotive History »in the week - and this is not always her fault. All these incidents just happen - maybe because of it bad luck, »- said Andi Beshuk, 31, g.Dzhefferson City, Missouri.

Even if your man is behaving diplomatically, he was terribly afraid of what you can vletet an accident for the next corner.
The secret of number 10: We always want that back, it was 25.

When I was 25, I worked for 16 hours a day and ate pasta with shrimp, six times a week. But the more we like to be with you, the more we thought back to my carefree youth irregular. «Many memories are made of the days when life was beautiful, simple and free of responsibility,» - says Rob Aronson, 41, g.Livingston, New Jersey, married 11 years. «At 25 you udayutsya things which 40 are already impossible.»

This does not mean that we cast you for the rock group. This is simply explained that sometimes we come home from the "ATP Boys - Manny, Moe Jack end" slippage with the steering wheel and old vinyl.
The Secret 11: Give us five minutes of freedom and our life at your feet.

This was in Mexico, when standing on the beach, natiraya your surfing, watching the 3-meter waves, I decided to marry a woman who is now my wife. Until then, I walked around three years, so about this issue. And only there, I took a final decision.

Why? Because she let me in Mexico alone. Hell, it made me go. One of the most important things that men do not talk to you: if you allow us to play poker all night, if you promote our trips to surfing - themselves - our stupid, little hearts with all our male weaknesses and shortcomings will be eternally grateful to you for it.

And it's true.

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Stimulants for men.

In the sexual manuals East described numerous sexual stimulant. Some of them have only imaginary effect, while others are quite effective at "physical" level. Many specially cooked meals can also have a reinforcing and stimulant effects. However, the most potent sexual stimulant should still include a healthy food and healthy lifestyles.

The ability to stimulate sexual feeling with fresh air, water and fire, as well as sensory contact with objects daruyuschimi pleasure. In the East, is very prevalent following proverb: "The most natural sexual stimulant should be considered an excellent woman, passionately urging the man to pleasure." Moderate post may also have a catalytic effect on him. Natural vitality of the body is reborn through the implementation of yogic asanas and breathing exercises. If they are complemented by meditation, the mind free from any worries, any need for "physical" the causative agent simply disappears. The combination of a healthy mind with a creative imagination creates a special atmosphere when the person does not exist is nothing impossible.

Normally, any text relating to the art of love, contains a section on sexual stimulant. This is usually assumed that the sexual stimulants should be a substance resembling sexual organs. In occult literature, the corresponding concept is known as the "doctrine of signatures, based on the observation of the fact that grass, trees and other substances with a specific color, shape and scent, are effective in diseases of the" similar ", for example, Indian mangoes, the fruit, which is to the form of the male testis is indeed very effective in treating certain diseases of the testicles.

A very important factor in the use of sexual stimulants is their ability to properly digest. This subject is devoted to a particular "branch" of Indian traditional medicine.

Sexual Stimulants can be separated in the most general form for the three groups: products of animal, vegetable and mineral origin. Depending on your circumstances and temperament ill subject, they can be used either separately or in mixtures.

Stimulants of animal origin include various bird eggs, milk of various animals (especially goat), game, sea horses, fish eggs (especially the "energetic" fish like salmon), as well as animal products like deer horns, musk jet , whale ambergris, rhinoceros horn; genitals of a number of wild animals. Effects of all these products will be effective only if they were collected from wild animals killed in due time and were in good health.

Stimulants of plant origin is much more numerous than the animals. Most often works on sexuality in the traditional East described as follows: ginger root, fennel, ginseng root and various types of mushrooms, black beans (beans), some varieties of onions, pumpkin, carrots, wild asparagus, wild rhubarb, figs, almonds, pistachios, pine grain , sesame seed, brown tree bark, nutmeg, saffron, black pepper, grapes, walnuts, honey (gathered) with certain plants, decoction of millet, cinchona, orange seeds, roots akonita, as well as enhance the wine, made from grape, pomegranate fruit, wild flowers and herbs.

Again, all the original ingredients must be of high quality and they should be collected at the right time. Among sexual stimulant mineral origin in the eastern guides usually listed mineral resin, stalactites, sulfur, mica cone and cowrie shells, pearls, burning gold, silver, copper, iron, amber, coral, emerald, sapphire, ruby and diamond. Cooking sexual stimulants mineral origin extremely difficult, and in India there is even a special science called "Rasayana".

Ginseng is used as obscheukreplyayuschego and incentive funds for several thousand years. It is best to use the red ginseng root, but it should not be taken continuously. Typically, prescription reads as follows: reception Tinctures or root powder daily for 40 days and then wait for three months. However, this dosage is determined on the basis of the "force" a particular root, and the physical condition of the patient.

In addition, it is possible to produce a stimulating tea from a mixture of several spices, and ginseng root. It is prepared as follows. Equal quantities hinnogo tree bark and green cardamom tolkutsya in the mortar.

Then they added an equal amount of ginger root, which also rubs off to the powder state. Then they added nine pips black pepper, two or three gvozdichki a bit of musk hammer nut and a pinch of saffron. Digest mixture on a quiet fire within ten minutes. Then the broth and strain out tea dress with the addition of ginseng powder. After a tea of this, its use in hot or cold, with the addition of milk or without. An enjoyable and stimulating "sweeteners", you can use natural honey.

There are also many sexual stimulants, placed directly on the genitals. Effect of based primarily on their heating and cooling properties. One of the most common recipe is a mixture of sandalwood oil with a little hammer and ginger hinnogo tree. Similar results can be obtained by using oil of cloves mixed with any "oil-based" or using kamfory with oil-based. " However, the use of these tools requires careful attention. Especially dangerous sexual stimulant, causing excitation sexual bodies. In conclusion, would not be superfluous to reiterate that maintaining a healthy and natural way of life is the most reliable sex stimulant, which is to be preferred to all other external aids.
Seeds repy.

The best are red. They increase the sexual function. In a medical kashek remove the harmful effect of poisons. A Sharif, in his book "Hayashi" said that if the seeds repy hang on the neck, the help of the tumor, which is called inguinal. Tested. If someone ate the seeds repy or razotret them and vypet have a stronger sex organ. But they are harmful to the spleen. They eliminate the adverse effect of melon seeds. A dose of the reception - 2 drama. They are very useful in severe pain in the abdomen and colic.
Fat Lion.

Assists in all solid tumors. And if you lubricate the penis, it will have a surprising effect - to strengthen and enhance it. It is very useful to humans.
Wild carrot.

This yellow roots. A better view is that a thick and strong, clean and healthy. Nature wild carrot hot and dry. Enhances sexual potency, strengthens the force of the soul. It also strengthens the body and sex. The dose of the reception - 2 drama, but it is harmful to the stomach. Its adverse effect eliminate emblicheskie mirobalany. A amenitelem is orchis. Mansouri said that it preserves warms your stomach, and liver. Enhances sexual potency. And strengthens the body. And best of all, insist on it honey. Gegianos said that the nature of its hot and humid in the III degree. Makes plenty of milk. It is very useful when the nature of the cold. Dioskoritos said that it is very useful in the early stages of dropsy. Enhances sexual potency. And helps with the bite of frenzied dogs.
The seeds of asparagus.

The best kind is the garden. Make abundant seed and increase sexual potency. It has the opening properties. Makes ample milk. The dose of the reception - 2 Gram. But they are harmful to the spleen. And the harmful effect of honey soothes. They also offer urine with a delay. Assist in the sciatic nerve disease, which arises from the excess mucus. Assists with the bite and the phalanges. Tested.
Melon seeds.

The best view is sweet. They clean the intestines and increase sexual potency. If the crush, extract chyle and give when coughing, which arises from the heat, it will help. They calm the pain, and cures for breast tumors. Strengthens the feeling of dryness in the mouth, throat and chest, and soften them. Quench thirst. Cures acute zheltozhelchnye fever. And the conclusions peregorevshuyu yellow bile. Opened congestion and make abundant urine. Cleanses the liver, kidneys and urinary ways and eliminate the feeling of burning (with urination). Resolves heated tumor. It eliminates the adverse effect of honey. It should be a man of two to five drams of their seeds. They make ample milk. And extremely enhance the penis.
Seeds of garden parsley.

They open the urine, are monthly and kidney congestion. Good for the liver. Also help with belching due to satiation. A dose of the reception - 4 drama. They are also useful when the animal bite. But Sharif said that if the seeds of parsley crush, mix with equal quantity of sugar and the bull's gall, and drink for 3 days, it's will enhance sexual potency. But food should be the meat of fat cock. A substitute of a wild parsley and half the dose - the bitter wormwood.

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Obesity starts why when quit smoking?

Nicotine not only excites the nervous system, but is anoreksikom - that is, substance, reducing the appetite. Smokers know that cigarettes vykurennaya before a meal, catch the appetite. Observed that those who have bad habits of smoking directly at the table, eat less. As soon as people quit smoking, your appetite increases. Moreover, the smoking process itself requires energy - about 20 kcal. one cigarette. Thus, the rejection of two dozen cigarettes a day, equivalent to saving 400 kcal. This amount of energy means an increase of approximately 40 grams of fat per day and per month - 1.2 kg. But that's not all. The body requires a «compensation» for the rejection of cigarettes. For many, it is expressed in the desire to suck pogryzt or something sladenkoe. Here's where to replace cigarettes increase physical activity ...

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7 rules for food of Michael Pollana.

Many suffer from such a disorder - fixated on a healthy diet. This diagnosis has the author of lectures on food, Michael Pollan.

Michael Pollan says that everything he learned about food and health can be collected in a few words: "Eat food, not very much, for the most part - vegetarian."

The first two words - the most important. "Eat food" means there is real food - vegetables, fruits, tselnozernovye and, of course, meat and fish. Home - Avoid, says Michael Pollan, "edible substances that are similar to food."

Michael joined the major boards in 7 points:

1. Do not eat anything your grandmother does not recognize the food. When you take a jar of yogurt, try reading it out of the 15 ingredients that you hardly use the. And then ask yourself: "What does this all makes this yogurt?" - Says Pollan.

2. Do not eat anything that consists of more than 5 ingredients or ingredients that you hardly use the.

3. When the next time will be in the store, pay attention to the fact that fresh produce, as a rule, stand on the perimeter (on the borders of the store) as well as so easy to replace them when they finish the term of validity.

4. Do not eat products that are not spoiled. "True, there are exceptions to this rule - for example, honey," - said Michael Pollan.

5. It is important not only what you eat but how you eat. "Do not leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger," - said Michael Pollan. - "Many people have a rule that you need to terminate a meal before they will sytymi. In Japan, they say that they eat until sytymi not be a four-fifths. Islamic culture is of such a principle. "

6. Families traditionally eat together at the table, without TV, at a certain time. This is a good tradition - to enjoy a meal with people whom you love.

7. Do not buy food, where you can refuel. In the United States, for example, 20% food eats in the car.

Is this good advice? Janet Collins, PhD, director of the National Center for Chronic disease prevention and health promotion (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion) met with Michael Pollanom.

Collins agreed with the advice Pollana.

"The Pollana that is at the table with his family without the TV - excellent! And something. In the days of our grandmothers' dishes were small, which a lot of food was not put. "

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Allergy: can it be avoided?

With the onset of spring, doctors are faced with the so-called wave of spring allergies. They affect almost everyone: we feel that "founded" the nose, the eyes of tears, a cough. Such an allergy - just one of the possible allergic reactions. The fact that this allergy and how to fight it, I will discuss in this article.

The word "allergy" comes from the addition of two Greek roots "allos (other) and" ergon "(action). In the modern understanding of allergies - this is the increased sensitivity of the organism in relation to a particular substance or substances. And allergy develops most often in the secondary, again the impact of these substances. To understand how the allergy, you need to know the basis of immunity. The thing is that, when released into the blood or mucous membranes of alien proteins or other substances (often called antigens) in the blood formed special protective body, the so-called - antibodies. Thus the body tries to protect itself from external influences, and in most cases, protection asymptomatic. However, people with allergies, protective immune response develops very rapidly, which leads to allergy.

What are the symptoms of allergies? Most of the time in everyday life we are confronted with respiratory allergy. This reaction occurs in the gases, particles of dust, perfume, pollen, dispersed in the air. For respiratory allergies are characterized by symptoms that we often call a cold: sneezing, watery runny nose, coughing, itching of the nose. Allergic basis has this disease, as bronchial asthma. In addition, the allergens that are present in the air can cause lacrimation, rezi in the eyes, itching of the skin. Watching the listed symptoms, you most likely will take antigrippoznye means, but in contrast to respiratory infections, allergies are not healed the usual drugs. In addition, allergy runs without having to raise the temperature of the body, frequent sneezing, and many hard to vylechivaniyu.

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10 medically proven ways to reduce weight.

1. Keeping a diary

The daily record of what you eat, helping you more seriously the problem of reducing weight. This helps you to understand what leads to overeating and lack of physical activity.

2. Daily Exercise

U.S. National Academy of Sciences recommends 60 minutes. exercise per day, of which 30 min. - This intense activity, while the remaining 30 minutes. - Your regular classes. You can accumulate those 30 minutes. throughout the day.

3. Increase your calcium intake

A recent study by Dr. Lands and his colleagues from the University of Tennessee, showed that consumption of 3 servings of dairy products a day, rich in calcium, may accelerate the reduction in weight by 50-70%, while strengthening the bone system and preventing osteoporosis.

4. Protein at each meal

In an article published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers from the University of Illinois argued that the increased consumption of high-quality protein helps preserve muscle mass and reduce fat in the body in reducing weight. The reason for this - amino acid leucine, which protects the muscle protein during weight loss, so you lose only the fat, not muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass during weight loss, it is essential because it contributes to a more accelerated burning of calories.

Make sure that protein was the only part of a well-balanced diet. We recommend that the protein was 15-35% of your food. Choose meatless protein, which is in eggs, fish, poultry, meat, dairy products low in fat, beans and nuts.

5. Believe in Breakfast

Breakfast, you can lose weight. American National Weight Control Registry calls breakfast one of the key factors for long-term weight control. Research cited by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who transmits breakfast, usually have greater weight than those who had breakfast. Why? A healthy breakfast stabilizes sugar levels and hormones and the metabolism is accelerated along with the increase in the number of calories flammable.

6. Interval between meals should not be more than 4-5 hours

Badges meal, you are dooming themselves to the continuous indiscriminate chewing. Enter for a rule is at least 3 times a day to control feelings of hunger and control appetite.

7. Do not jump

According to the Ministry of Health of the U.S. adult gets an average of 0.5-1.5 kg per year. Half a kilo = 3,500 calories. Do not think that you can get rid of excess weight in a short time. The most successful approach - slowly and surely, no more than 0.5-1 kg per week. At this rate, you will be relieved in the first place of the fat, so the chance to get rid of him forever increasing.

8. Do not do it alone

Support for other people is helping to establish new eating habits and physical activity. In an article published by researchers from Brown University in the Journal of the American Medical Association, confirms that successfully reduced the weight of those who have a good support system.

9. Eat a rainbow of colors and a lot of whole grains

Color products and whole grains contain complex carbohydrates - a rich source of fitonutrientov to help resist disease, very few calories and practically no fat. Fruits and vegetables contain abundant fiber, vitamins C, A, C, folate and potassium. What juicy color, the richer fitonutrienty and the more health benefits. Whole grains not only an excellent source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber, they also help fight cancer, heart disease and prevent diabetes. Lessons whole grains occurs more slowly, so they give a sense of saturation for a longer period.

10. Reward yourself

Make a list of rewards for what you have achieved the goal, for example, reduced the weight by 2-4 kg and were regularly doing physical exercises. This will increase your self-esteem (studies indicate that high self-esteem helps to cope with emotional overeating). But do not use food as a reward. Visit the spa, otmoyte to shine machine, go to the movies, call or write an old friend or Pamper yourself shopping.

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Men who are obese, reduce their chances zaimet offspring.

In men with a body weight a much less viable sperm, as compared with men of normal weight, and these sperm are much more likely contain the genetic defects that reduce their ability to fertilize the egg, says The Times.

This discovery made by scientists from Center for Reproductive Biology in Atlanta, suggesting that male obesity, which in the past considered to be only one of the causes of infertility is often a key factor in the inability of couples having children. On the impact of obesity on female infertility attention for a long time.

Also, this study explains the decrease in the average number of sperm in men in western countries where obesity is reaching alarming proportions.

The group of scientists led by William Rudebushem took semen samples from 52 men, looking at them in relation to body mass index of men, which is calculated by dividing the weight of human (in kg) to square of the height (in meters). Index above 25 indicates more than weight, and 30 or more - about obesity.

Among men with a body mass index less than 25 the average number of normal healthy sperm in each ejaculation was 18.8 million for men with excess weight is the number fell to 3.6 million, while in men, obese, healthy, were all 700 thousand sperm. According to Dr. Rudebusha, the latter figure is bordered with infertility, as well as the chance of successful insemination, for example, with artificial insemination, severely reduced when the number of sperm is less than 3.7 million

Obesity has a significant impact on the quality of semen, and with increasing body mass index defects becomes more and more.

These findings raise the question of whether or not to take for the treatment of infertility in men with obesity, if they do not agree to lose weight. "We urge the men to lower their total body mass index", - said Dr. Rudebush, adding that if the weight exceeds the standard seriously, the treatment of infertility may simply not work. "If you pay for it out of your pocket, you just waste money," - underlines the scientist.

Then scientists from Atlanta are planning to examine the men who are obese, and lost, to determine whether the improved quality of their sperm.

How obesity affects semen, scientists have yet to be explained. At this time, they have several working theories. The quality and quantity of sperm may be disturbed due to obesity affect hormonal balance. Another theory is that because of fatty deposits in the testes pahu very hot, and it affects the characteristics of sperm. 'Testicles are located outside the body, and their normal temperature should not exceed 37 degrees Celsius, - explains Ruderbush. - If the fat deposits in pahu increases, it increases body temperature, which adversely affects the maturation of sperm. "

According to a study conducted in France, the rate of successful pregnancy after in vitro fertilization in women, obesity was 24.7%, while among women with normal weight - 35,4%.

According to in vitro fertilization clinics in Alabama, the birth of live children after in vitro fertilization in women with body mass index to 27 (normal weight) is 44.7% per embryo implantation, whereas in women with body mass index above 27, he is reduced to 27% .
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