Increased potency or as a treat impotence

At the dawn of the 60's concluded that 90 percent of impotent men who are experiencing emotional difficulties. Elderly doctor practicing general practitioners (family doctors) are usually prescribed to patients with problems of this kind of injection of testosterone, which, apparently, was quite useless. The new generation of young and well, as if it was considered trained therapists look at the practice as something "shamanism" and send their patients for physiotherapy, which also had no success.

But since the mid 70's, doctors began to detect a purely physical causes impotence or erectile dysfunction, but in the last 10 years with the trouble started slowly to cope. Now specialists andrology convinced that in most cases, the potency disorders are purely organic (ie non-psychological) causes. Some of these patients come to the attention of the family doctors, but most of the rest fall into the hands of specialists and urologists andrologists.

Should determine that all methods for the treatment of impotence or improve potency divided into conservative - invasive and non-invasive and rapid.

By conservative techniques improve potency is primarily oral medical therapy, the use of vacuum devices and konstriktornyh intrakavernoznye injection.Drug therapy impotence (erectile dysfunction)

Most recently, the main drug used to enhance the treatment potency was Yohimbin. However, the effectiveness of its use does not exceed 10%. When the need for a relatively long application of funds (up to a year) and its low efficiency, together with a large number of adverse reactions, make this method of treating impotency malopriemlemym.

Nowadays, to improve potency or to combat impotence, as such, quite successfully used the product «Viagra» or art analog prolonged action - Sialis, called "pill for the weekend (see related article on the site). The effectiveness of drugs is beyond dispute, and reaches 70-80%, but they are possible side effects, such as a sudden reddening of the face and neck, a slight headache, congestion nasal cavity, the change tsvetooschuscheniya and visual acuity. Hence, in any case to determine the indications for the use of a drug should be a specialist - urologist or andrologist.
Vacuum-konstriktornaya therapy erektilnoy dysfunction (impotence)

The method is to create a negative pressure in the cavernous bodies of the penis with the help of the vacuum cylinder and pump, which leads to the inflow of blood and erection retained through the overlay at the base of the penis special compressed ring that restricts venous outflow. As a result, it is possible to perform sexual intercourse, up to 30 minutes.

The effectiveness of this method to 40-50 per cent. Its disadvantages are the indisputable practical use of the device in front of partner (which is not very эстетично), a painful ejaculation (semyaizverzhenie), as a result of the compressed ring, as well as the occurrence of hemorrhages in the penis, a sense of numbness in the penis etc.
Intrakavernoznye injection of vasoactive drugs

In order to improve the potency and the development of a full erection microinjections vasoactive drugs are carried out directly in the penis before coitus. This method of direct introduction of vasoactive drugs in the male member was the most common and most effective among conservative treatment methods erectile dysfunction (impotence). For the treatment of prostaglandin used as a monotherapy or in various combinations.

The combination of the same drugs used to reduce the side effects of each of them, due to decreased concentration, and potentiation (synergies), the pharmacological effect. Program integrated approach specialist urologist or andrologist to the appointment of the method of increasing the potency allows the use of this method is effective and safe.

Intrauretralnaya therapy impotence

For intrauretralnyh (directly in the male urethra) applications use different drugs, such as alprostadil. Because the urethra drug absorbed and the blood enters the cavernous body of the penis, where the reactions occur, resulting in erection. This technique, compared with the previous one, avoids the need for injections in the penis.

Because of the high cost of drugs and adverse reactions (burning feeling in the urethra), and the need for mandatory use of condoms, - it is now a means of improving the potency has not received wide distribution.

Surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction

It is true that surgical intervention in the latter being used less and less because of the relatively high effectiveness of pharmacological treatment of disorders of potency. Only when conservative treatment does not give the desired results, with some evidence - in the extreme case, the surgical methods.

Operation with venous insufficiency of the penis is performed in case of defeat venozapiratelnogo mechanism genitals. Despite the long use of the technique, its effectiveness does not exceed 50%. But even with such low results of venous surgery of the penis is used in clinical practice, especially as additional to other previously described methods, allowing a result to achieve high rates of cure.

In case of insufficient arterial inflow of blood to the cavernous tissue of penis shows surgical treatment of arterial insufficiency of the penis. Used microvascular arterial bypass, the effectiveness of which varies from 30 to 50 percent. This operation is highly effective only in young patients.

Prosthetic penis is currently the main method of recovery of its rigidity (stiffness). Implantation of prosthetic devices is the final phase of therapy impotency, when all previous methods of treatment have been exhausted and did not give the expected result.
Psychotherapeutic techniques improve potency
In the matter of increasing the potency or the treatment of erectile rasstoystv an essential part of medical research councils sounded in unison to some heads of well-known since ancient «Kama-sutras». The primary role of the so-called "three-technique" focus of sensuality. This method is recommended during coitus a lot more attention paid to the satisfaction of their partner.

In the beginning (first stage) is a pleasure to partner with each other without direct contact with the genitals. Then (in the second stage) who love each other relating to the genitals and erogenous zones, but have not yet come into sexual intercourse. It was only the third finals taking place sexual intercourse, sexual partners, bringing the true pleasure of closeness.

Some experts claim that nearly 65% of cases for the treatment of disorders of potency is sufficient to visit the psychotherapist. After all, no secret that it is often a random failure in bed leaves a deep trace in the psyche vulnerable men, and as a consequence, the uncertainty comes in its own «masculine force».

Main believe in yourself and you all will no doubt succeed!

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