10 medically proven ways to reduce weight.

1. Keeping a diary

The daily record of what you eat, helping you more seriously the problem of reducing weight. This helps you to understand what leads to overeating and lack of physical activity.

2. Daily Exercise

U.S. National Academy of Sciences recommends 60 minutes. exercise per day, of which 30 min. - This intense activity, while the remaining 30 minutes. - Your regular classes. You can accumulate those 30 minutes. throughout the day.

3. Increase your calcium intake

A recent study by Dr. Lands and his colleagues from the University of Tennessee, showed that consumption of 3 servings of dairy products a day, rich in calcium, may accelerate the reduction in weight by 50-70%, while strengthening the bone system and preventing osteoporosis.

4. Protein at each meal

In an article published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers from the University of Illinois argued that the increased consumption of high-quality protein helps preserve muscle mass and reduce fat in the body in reducing weight. The reason for this - amino acid leucine, which protects the muscle protein during weight loss, so you lose only the fat, not muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass during weight loss, it is essential because it contributes to a more accelerated burning of calories.

Make sure that protein was the only part of a well-balanced diet. We recommend that the protein was 15-35% of your food. Choose meatless protein, which is in eggs, fish, poultry, meat, dairy products low in fat, beans and nuts.

5. Believe in Breakfast

Breakfast, you can lose weight. American National Weight Control Registry calls breakfast one of the key factors for long-term weight control. Research cited by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who transmits breakfast, usually have greater weight than those who had breakfast. Why? A healthy breakfast stabilizes sugar levels and hormones and the metabolism is accelerated along with the increase in the number of calories flammable.

6. Interval between meals should not be more than 4-5 hours

Badges meal, you are dooming themselves to the continuous indiscriminate chewing. Enter for a rule is at least 3 times a day to control feelings of hunger and control appetite.

7. Do not jump

According to the Ministry of Health of the U.S. adult gets an average of 0.5-1.5 kg per year. Half a kilo = 3,500 calories. Do not think that you can get rid of excess weight in a short time. The most successful approach - slowly and surely, no more than 0.5-1 kg per week. At this rate, you will be relieved in the first place of the fat, so the chance to get rid of him forever increasing.

8. Do not do it alone

Support for other people is helping to establish new eating habits and physical activity. In an article published by researchers from Brown University in the Journal of the American Medical Association, confirms that successfully reduced the weight of those who have a good support system.

9. Eat a rainbow of colors and a lot of whole grains

Color products and whole grains contain complex carbohydrates - a rich source of fitonutrientov to help resist disease, very few calories and practically no fat. Fruits and vegetables contain abundant fiber, vitamins C, A, C, folate and potassium. What juicy color, the richer fitonutrienty and the more health benefits. Whole grains not only an excellent source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber, they also help fight cancer, heart disease and prevent diabetes. Lessons whole grains occurs more slowly, so they give a sense of saturation for a longer period.

10. Reward yourself

Make a list of rewards for what you have achieved the goal, for example, reduced the weight by 2-4 kg and were regularly doing physical exercises. This will increase your self-esteem (studies indicate that high self-esteem helps to cope with emotional overeating). But do not use food as a reward. Visit the spa, otmoyte to shine machine, go to the movies, call or write an old friend or Pamper yourself shopping.

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