Viagra substitute black tomatoes.

A unique kind of black tomatoes now in the UK. It is interesting even to its color and its ability ... to increase sexual interest.

Writes "RBC", an unusual feature of black tomatoes zoologists have found. Observing the behavior of turtles in the Galapagos Islands, where they grow vegetables, they found that these animals mate significantly more often than usual. Trying to understand the reasons for their "loving", the scientists found that its cause is eating black tomatoes. In passing, it was found that these vegetables contain large amounts of vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Naturally, the "pioneers" immediately tried to capitalize on their discoveries and developed a supply of black tomatoes in the English city of Salisbury. They were released for sale immediately in 30 urban stores and advertised as "a particularly useful product that increases sexual ability of men and women." Thanks to an active campaign tomatoes differed with fantastic speed, and the second brought to the city the party was already in 100 stores. In the near future to develop their sales across the country.

True, it is worth noting that so far no one has still not proved that black tomatoes have on people is the same effect as in the turtle. So it is possible that the vendor is waiting for the flow of charges from the buyers, "kupivshihsya" to correct the advertising campaign.
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