Frequently Asked Questions About Viagra.

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What is Viagra?
Viagra is a proven and safe medicine which improves male sexual function, helping to live a full sexual life.

Viagra is a sexual stimulant?
No, Viagra - This is not stimulant. Everything comes naturally. Viagra is valid precisely when it is necessary, but not when it is not necessary.

What mechanism of action of Viagra?
Receiving Viagra leads to the expansion of arteries and a large influx of blood into the penis. Viagra has shown its effect in the presence of sexual initiation when his no-erection does not arise. At the end of sexual intercourse erection of the penis is naturally terminated. Effects of Viagra is not associated with effects on libido or hormones.

How effective Viagra?
Viagra improves erection in 76% of cases.

Does Viagra Improves ability for sexual intercourse?
Yes. When using Viagra the number of successful acts to six per month. 89% of partners indicated improvement of erection while taking Viagra.

Is there Viagra in severe Erectile Dysfunction?
Yes, up to 60% of men with severe violations of erection while taking Viagra erection was evaluated as good or excellent.

What were the results of long-term care insurance?
97% of men taking Viagra in the 2let and more, the improvement in erection.

I once received Viagra, but it did not act. Does this mean that I'm not fit?
Most men Viagra is valid after the first or second reception. The best effect is observed after the third or fourth reception, therefore it is very important to continue treatment. Of course, you should follow your doctor's recommendations on the use of Viagra.

As fast starts and how long Viagra work?
Effects of Viagra starts in 30 minutes and lasts for at least 4chasa after admission.

I heard that Viagra bad influences on the heart.
These clinical studies (the use of Viagra in the period> 11,000 patient-years, placebo-> 700 patient-years) confirmed the absence of increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to receive Viagra.

How often can I take Viagra?
Not more than once a day.

What are the contraindications for the reception of Viagra?
The presence of some serious diseases in which sexual activity is contraindicated: unstable angina, severe heart failure, severe hepatic failure, hypotension, stroke, or has recently transferred myocardial infarction, retinal pigmentation, hypersensitivity to sildenafilu component of Viagra or the other.

Your doctor may prescribe a specialty Viagra?
The doctor of any specialty, but first and foremost, an oncologist, sexual, andrologist, endocrinologist and cardiologist.

How does Viagra to healthy people?
The company Pfizer is not investigated and does not intend to investigate the effect of Viagra in healthy people. Manufacturer Pfizer has developed this drug for the treatment of severe and sufficiently expressed pathological conditions. It is on this basis, the company has filed an application in the Office of the U.S. Food and Drug, as well as European management evaluation and control.

Tests on healthy people involve planning the sale of the drug healthy people. According to company representatives, company Pfizer has no plans to do so. Viagra is intended for people suffering from erection problems.

How to define sexual norms?
Otherwise, this question can be formulated as follows: if the so-called healthy people are taking Viagra and feel the improvement, can they really be healthy?

Healthy is considered the one who has the erection occurs and persists, allowing him to engage in sexual intercourse and successfully complete them. Since Viagra suffering from Erectile Dysfunction returns to normal, or at least, provides a shift in this direction, it is, by definition, have no effect on those who originally "healthy".

However, if a person claiming to be healthy, take Viagra and found improvement in erection function, the fact he may well suffer some violation of erection, at least temporarily, and it can not be healthy in the exact meaning of the word. Therefore, the media have to say that, by definition, are "healthy" people do not need Viagra, and they did not receive any benefit from it.

Does Viagra Increases sexual interest?
Effects of Viagra is based only on improving the local blood flow in the cavernous body of penis, and it does not cause enhance sexual attraction. It does not increase libido and is not an "exciting" tool. Viagra merely suppressing effect of the enzyme, which affects blood flow to the penis. And to her actions need to be sexual excitement. In short, it contributes to the natural body response to sexual stimulation. Clinical studies show a lack of attraction to enhance the group of patients receiving treatment for drug Viagra when compared with a control group of patients of the same age who took placebo without Viagra.

Do wives of their husbands to return hope to the youth?
We recommend that a doctor first, to ascertain patient attitudes to treatment directly with him and only then, if necessary, with his sexual partners. However, the results of clinical trials have shown that in normal circumstances, Viagra improves the quality of sexual partners of patients taking the drug. Moreover, we know that in many countries, oddly enough, wives are often the first to go to the doctor. And in the United States 80 percent of those suffering from Erectile Dysfunction are discussing this issue with their sexual partners before the start of treatment.

Does Viagra preserve potency, even after drinking?
No data on the interaction of alcohol. However, because alcoholic beverages can hardly be regarded as stimulating sexual activity, they are not recommended to eat before taking Viagra. They can only impede the achievement of goals and, perhaps, in proportion to the amount drunk.

Acceptance of alcohol may lead to a temporary inability to achieve erection. To get the maximum benefit from the medication before taking Viagra is not recommended to use a large amount of alcohol.

If Viagra is safe and effective, why not sell it without prescription?
Yes, clinical trials have demonstrated the safety of Viagra. However, expression of a known drug interactions, especially with nitrates used in the treatment of heart disease. It is therefore very important that Viagra the doctor ordered, thoroughly familiar with the history of the patient.

As it interacts with other drugs?
In clinical trials found a negligible interaction with other drugs, or its full absence. However, exceptions to this rule are the nitrates, which are primarily used for treating heart disease. That is why Viagra is contraindicated patients receiving treatment with nitrates. The risk represents a significant potential drop in blood pressure - hypotension.

Viagra should not be taken with nitroglycerin, and nitroglycerin products containing short and long-term actions. You can not take it with drugs, nitric oxide donor, for example, molsidominom (Korvaton, Sidnofarm) and sodium nitroprusside. These drugs are used for the treatment of angina pectoris.
Do not take Viagra with other funds intended for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.
If you are not sure whether taking these medicines, contact your doctor.

What are the long-term side effects from Viagra?
During the last five years, Pfizer conducted clinical trials, involving patients who received Viagra Duration - up to three years. With proper use of the drug, there was no data indicating a risk of its application. There was only mild and transient side-effects, not heavy and not prolonged.

Viagra can cause some adverse reactions. Usually they are slightly or moderately expressed and last short: sometimes a headache, redness of face, heartburn, nasal mortgaged.
If you have unwanted reactions notify your doctor.

More than 90 clinical trials, which involved more than 8000 patients have confirmed the efficacy and safety of the drug if it is applied in accordance with the instruction.

Does not affect whether Viagra's ability to bear children?
Viagra itself has no effect on the ability to bear children. However, in cases where violations of erection impede conception among couples of childbearing age, Viagra may be useful.

As far as Viagra is effective for women?
Viagra is designed for men. There have been pilot studies and is currently recruiting volunteers for future research. However, so far no results of these studies. Studies of women with sexual dysfunction, are more complex than studies of men. For them there is no established methodology.

Are there any age limits for admission Viagra?
Viagra does not appoint a person under the age of 18.

Viagra is a natural (vegetable) or synthetic product?
The active component of Viagra is sildenafil-synthetic substances.

What Form of Viagra?
Viagra is available in packages of 1tabletke on 50ili 100mg; on 4tabletki on 50ili 100mg. There are also other forms of supply of Viagra.
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