Impotence was left in the past.

As part of the annual Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (World Association for Sexual Health), held from 21 to 25 June in Gothenburg, Sweden, held a talk show with a theme, of course, interested in many men around the world. This is the so-called erectile dysfunction (old name - impotence), and medicines, the effect of which in the treatment of this pathology is proved.

Remember that erectile dysfunction (ED) - This disorder of sexual function, in which a man can not maintain erection for sufficient time to commit sexual acts in full.

In 1995, the ED in the world suffer 152 million men aged 40-79 years. By 2025, the estimated medical, the number of cases will reach 322 million people. The frequency of ED increases with age, but erectile dysfunction is a consequence of modern living.

The highest risk men with ED aged over 50, but many of them do not even think about it. It is shown that the ED can have a devastating impact on the lives of men. Scientific studies have shown an association between ED and depression, loss of self-esteem, low self-esteem and interpersonal relationships break.

However, in spite of the widespread prevalence of ED, the violation is still not detected and treated in full. Of the total estimated number of men with erectile problems, only about 30% go to a doctor for medical advice. Although, as noted by doctors to treat ED has made significant progress, and the majority of men with cancer can now be effectively treated.

Usually, sexual function disorders are not distinct diseases, but there are also being developed as a concomitant. Thus, the violation of erection can occur with endocrine disorders such as diabetes mellitus (causing neyropatiyu) and severe hormonal deficiency (decrease in testosterone levels), or be associated with a variety of urologic diseases, lesions located in the cerebral cortex points of regulation of sexual functions. Erectile Dysfunction caused by these factors, considered to be organic. It is about such violations and the methods of treatment, and referred to the talk show in Gothenburg Congress Center, which was attended by leading clinicians, sexuality, and journalists from all over the world.

As noted in the talk-show Professor Ridvan Shabsigh urologist from New York, the concept of ED has been proposed Institute of Health in 1996. The value of this step, explained Dr. Ruth Vesthaymer from New York, a pioneer in the field of media psychology, and world-famous sexologist. According to her, the diagnosis of «impotence», in the understanding of themselves as doctors or their patients, has meant that the restoration of man's health can not. The emergence of the concept of «erectile dysfunction» has made a revolution in this segment of health care: it was found that restoration of male sexual function is within reach on the average, so - in a significant number of cases - and in older age.

For most people sex is a very sensitive topic, so a man suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, seek to explain the problem of external factors, often even try to hide. Despite the fact that 95% of ED is curable medically, only 10% of men experiencing difficulties with the potency, seek treatment by a doctor. According to doctors attending on talk shows in Gothenburg, the main reason for retaining such a situation - insufficient efforts to promote treatment ED.

As noted in this regard, Dr. Ruth Vesthaymer, «Now is the time to talk about ED and the available treatment options to offer men and their partners a real help. We need to make them aware of opportunities to rediscover the truly satisfying sexual function ... The ability to lead a normal sex life is very important for men. Critical awareness, you need to know about a pair of effective treatments that can restore a man ».

It should be pointed out that the ED - one of sexual dysfunction observed in men. In normal sexual function sexual act consists of craving (libido), romantic love, erection, introduction of the penis, committing tens of friktsy for several minutes, finished semyaizverzheniem - ejaculation and the emergence of feelings of orgasm. The absence of a component determines the inability to fully commit sexual acts, and gradually leads to a breach of the remaining components. Most often this is due to violation of erection or semyaizverzheniya.

During the talk show, it was noted that there are many well-portable and effective therapy of ED. A significant breakthrough in this area occurred in 1998, when the oral inhibitors fosfodiesterazy (FDE) 5. When you receive this group of drugs blocking the action happens FDE5, resulting in relaxation of smooth muscles in the arteries of the penis. The latter contributes to filling the cavernous bodies with blood member. The drugs in this group have an effect only when a man is in a sexual initiation, they are ineffective in the absence of excitation. Depending on the drug, they take over 20 minutes - 1 hour before anticipated sexual intercourse. The drug may have effect within 3-36 hours.

Currently, there are several drugs for systemic use of a group of inhibitors FDE5. One of the inhibitors fosfodiesterazy 5 - sildenafil (better known in Russia as Viagra) - served as the prototype for the other two: tadalafila and vardenafila (not brand names - «Rosbalt»), with its advantages and disadvantages, a few inhibitors are in development.

With the emergence of this group of drugs for the treatment of ED, the focus of researchers was focused on the hardness of erection, while not studied the need to restore its normal length, which may be considered necessary for the pair to perform successful sexual intercourse. However, during a specially conducted survey revealed that 93% of men is important length of time during which they are able to maintain erection.

It is in this direction has recently conducted its research Dr. Matt Rosenberg, director of Mid-Michigan Medical Center in Jackson, sharing the results with participants in a talk show in Gothenburg. According to Rosenberg, he and his colleague, Dr. Martin Mayner, leading American urologists, first conducted two studies in which couples were instructed to use the stopwatch to accurately record the time duration of erection in men until the end of a successful sexual intercourse. All participants in the study, men were diagnosed with ED, and most of them also attended by other disorders such as dyslipidemia or hypertension. The second study sought to identify the level of security for the inhibitor FDE5 for the patient. Inhibitor in the process of research was selected vardenafil.

The results showed that the duration of erection in men taking vardenafil on-demand, increased by 2-3 times compared with the reception of placebo (dummy). These recent survey conducted Sexologists, indicate that the desired duration of sexual intercourse ranged from 7 to 13 minutes. The study revealed that the duration of erection in men with ED who received a placebo, ranged from 3.42 to 5.53 minutes. When using vardenafila men with ED can achieve an average duration of erection order 10-12,8 minutes.

Dr. Martin Mayner, a second study assessed the efficacy and safety vardenafila in men with ED and dyslipidemia. It should be pointed out that dyslipidemia - abnormally elevated levels of lipids and / or lipoproteins in human blood - is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease is mainly due to the significant influence of cholesterol on the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, some dyslipidemia influenced the development of acute pancreatitis. In this regard, the perception of the danger FDE5 inhibitors for people with certain pathologies, particularly because of the combined action with other drugs such as statins.

The study doctor Maynera involved 395 men aged 18 to 65 years with ED for more than 6 months for patients to continue treatment for their stable dose of statins. At the initial stage, along with dyslipidemia in 61% of the men there was hypertension, 51% are obese, while 40% had diabetes. The results of the study, which also used a placebo and vardenafil, have confirmed the effectiveness of the inhibitor in the treatment of ED patients with dyslipidemia. Thus, the average duration of erection, leading to successful sexual intercourse, in patients with dyslipidemia and hypertension in the treatment of vardenafilom was 7.8 minutes (placebo - 2.6 minutes), with dyslipidemia and diabetes - 7.4 minutes (placebo - 3, 7). In patients with dyslipidemia with hypertension results - 12.7 minutes and 3.9 minutes respectively.

Thus, should the speech of Doctor Matt Rosenberg, treatments this inhibitor is quite effective in the case of a patient pathologies associated with ED.
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