History condom.

In the National museum an unusual exhibit is proposed in Cairo - a leather contraceptive is a propert of pharaoh Tutankhamen. Bovine bubbles, blind sheep gut also used to that end. Ancient Romans used contraceptives from resin, treated the special composition which created a compression on-the-spot, that resin did not stick to the masculine and womanish bodies.
Necessity to use a contraceptive not only as a mean of contraception, and as protecting from venereal illnesses came to a head in Europe already in XV age. The point is that in 1493 Kolumb with the crew brought not only gold and valuables but also enigmatic illness which was here christened the "gift of New Light" - sifilis. His higglers were become by sea-folk and soldiers. Sifilis very quickly spread on all Europe and India to China.

In 1564, when practically all grown man population of Italy suffered from to "sweep the aborigines of New Light", a prominent doctor and anatomist Gabrial Fallopiy suggested to use a linen sac saturated with medicines and inorganic salts for a protection from this illness.
A word "kondom" happened from the last name of English doctor Kondoma, court doctor of English king Charles II (1630-I685). King ordered the doctor to think of anything for protecting from sifilisa. A doctor suggested to use the dispersers smeared butter from sheep bowels. An invention of doctor was to the court, and soon all aristocracy used these facilities of contraception and protecting from love ailments.True, they were used to on once or twice, therefore diseases continued to spread. But extramarital children began to give birth less than.
The mass production of contraceptives was begun with 20th ХХ centuries. A boom in his use began from middle of 80th and proceeds till today.
For a small term good suffered mass of changes. Length of modern contraceptive in the rolled state arrives at 18 see Firms-producers looked after and about greasing. For women, being afraid in bad time to become pregnant, produce models with additional defence - treated spermicidnym coverage.
Contraceptives are produced in various execution: aromatized, varicoloured, pupyrchatye or relief, with greasing or without, from sheep bowels, lateksa, poliuretana. Good contraceptives have shelf-life to five years. As well as other anticoncipienss, contraceptives do not give 100% defence, although at correct application their efficiency is high enough.

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